
Hi! I'm Sujeeth A V

I am a student at PES University. I personally believe in hard work. Interested in working on innovative projects. Unhesitant to learn and explore new things.

Contact me here!

Email: sujeeth.anil@email

Phone: (+91) 89045 06546

What i do

My Interests/Skills







Keras . Tensorflow

Deep learning

Data Analytics

Business Analytics

Parallel Programming


Competative coding

Algorithms Data-Structures


Checkout My Projects

Deep Learning

Coconut Farmland detection from multispectral satellite image

Worked on building a Custom Siamese U-net a deep neural network architecture. Which is a pixel level classifier! Used this CNN to segment out the coconut farmland from high resolution satellite images.

Cloud Application

Custom DBaaS for a cloud based Ride Pooling Application

Worked on building a database as service for the ride pooling application, providing with features such as Scaling, High availability and Fault tolerance. Used RabbitMq for message brokering service and Zookeeper for High tolerance.

Web Dev

Hotel Management System

Woked on building a website with fully functional backend for hotel management! This had the features like room booking, staff management ,bill generation and book keeping. Used SQL as the database. I had a great experience with SQl queries,Angular JS, and FLask(for backend).


Automatically choosing visual states for memory leak detection

Bleak which is popularly known tool for detection of memory leak in web pages, needs developers to provide the visual states to find leaks which is time consuming. We are using Google analytics to analyse the user navigation patterns and automatically choose the web pages which are mostly visited for detecting leaks using Guess.js tool. Script is generated Automatically for config files based on the chosen web pages, further making the the Bleak tool easy to use and efficient.

Heterogeneous parallelism

Parallelization of encryption and hashing algorithm

Using gpu and multiple cores to boost the performance of MD5 hashing algorithm, RipeMD and Blowfish Encryption algorithm on large data. It was implemented using OpenCl and OpenMp and achieved speedup upto 20X.

Data Analytics

Global terrorism analysis and prediction

Worked on analyzing global terrorism database! conducted explanatory analysis on the data! Worked on a few Upsampling techniques such as SMOTE! Built a few prediction models using logistic regression and random forests. An interesting view on the data.


I love to share my achievements

0 Project done
0 Lines of code and counting ;)